Wednesday, March 12, 2008

SAP Philippines cites Manila Water

Manila Water, the country’s premier water and wastewater service provider for the East Zone, has been awarded “SAP First” from SAP Philippines as a pioneer client of SAP in the country’s water industry.

The awarding coincided with the thanksgiving celebration in honor of former SAP Philippines Managing Director Mr. Krish Datta, who was recently promoted to Senior Vice President for Southeast Asia, Enterprise Support Division. An exhibit of over 30 paintings featuring the work of old and contemporary Filipino masters was also showcased as part of the event. Chief Finance Officer Sherisa P. Nuesa (holding the plaque) received the award for Manila Water from (left to right) Mr. Krish Datta, Mr. Patara Yongvanich, new Managing Director of SAP Philippines and Thailand, and Ms. Jennifer Ligones, Country Manager, SAP Philippines.

Source: Manila Water site